Tag Archives: no television

What is your news?

This month I posted a few thoughts on social media that touched upon what health information we find, what ideals our society seems to hold, what those ideals sell in our consumer society and who actually benefits in the end? What we are exposed to in the media remains on my mind as this month ends and we head into the season of spring. I must share that I do not have a television and do not watch the news. This is a conscious choice I have been making for many years. I find the news to be a source of negativity if I expose myself to it too much, so I decided to live under a rock so to speak. I catch snippets of news when I pass by televisions at gyms and I am given news by people I interact with on a regular basis. I find this way of living creates a filter of discernment of what may be true and pertinent in the ‘news’. What is news or newsworthy to you?

I try to pay little attention to president Donald Trump and with what little I know, I would like to credit him with ‘fake news’ infiltrating our consciousness. If we consider the term ‘fake news’ more deeply, I would say most of the news we see is becoming more fake as time goes by. It seems people with vested interests are in charge of the production of news and with competition for our ever shortening attention spans, the news needs to be quick and pithy. Journalism standards have changed with the times. I’m not sure we are all taking the time to discern what the news really is-

As spring comes in and we see new growth in nature and ourselves, I invite you to meditate on what is your news? What is newsworthy? What effect does exposure to television news have on you?