How do you like Halloween?

This October has been an extremely full month for me in terms of work, school and personal growth. I notice the occasion of Halloween brings many different responses in small children and adults alike. I know kids that love Halloween starting from toddlerhood. I know children that are past Halloween by age 10. I know adults that never tire of Halloween and love the opportunity to create a costume each year. I know children and adults who are afraid of all the spooky things that Halloween can bring up-you won’t find me volunteering to be at a haunted house! And there are people that really dislike Halloween altogether.

Halloween is right in between the end of summer and the start of winter. We can consider it the cusp between light and dark, the twilight zone. The depth of different responses is a highlight of humanity and how we handle the cusp of light and darkness. It is a great time to reflect on how we see light and darkness within ourselves. Can we embrace the whole entirety of ourself in relation to the world around us?

Happy halloween!

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