Monthly Archives: June 2013

You are what you eat and think

I would like to share that I love to eat clotted cream, and I ate quite a bit of it this weekend in London. Clotted cream has been an absolute favourite food of mine since the age of 12. I have heard many times the question-‘isn’t that bad for you?’. Some foods have more health benefits than others. However, I invite you to consider your thoughts towards the food you eat. I would suggest a mindfulness where you choose foods you truly enjoy and love eating. This mind frame brings a more positive energy than struggling with a diet. In my own practice, I notice that choosing to enjoy foods I love occasionally delivers its own portion control naturally. Your thoughts and judgements are energy. Having positive thoughts brings positive energy to the process of eating and digestion, pillars of good health. You are what you eat and think…

Recipe: Barley Pomegranate Salad

This recipe caught my eye in the mainly vegetarian cookbook Plenty. I could not get my hands on sherry vinegar, so I improvised with pomegranate molasses or concentrated pomegranate juice (found in middle eastern food shops), which adds a slightly sweet, tart depth of flavour. The pomegranate seeds and celery bring a nice crunchy contrast to the chewy barley.

1 cup pearl barley, rinsed

1 shallot, finely chopped

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 1/2 tablespoons rice vinegar

1 tablespoon pomegranate molasses

2 stalks celery, diced

1 pomegranate (gather the seeds by slicing horizontally and removing the skin)

2-3 tablespoons chopped dill

2-3 tablespoons chopped parsley

1/4 cup currants (optional)

salt and pepper to taste

Place barley into a small pot with 3 cups of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 35 minutes or until tender with a chewy bite. Drain if necessary.

While barley is still warm, stir in olive oil, vinegar, pomegranate molasses and shallot. Allow to cool and stir in celery, pomegranate seeds, dill, parsley and currants if using. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve at room temperature.


Book Review: The Fast Diet

I learned of The Fast Diet when a client told me about a BBC special done by Dr Mike Mosley on the health benefits of fasting. Due to my prodigious internet skills, I was unable to watch even clips of the video, so I bought the book and read it. I read a fair amount of diet books in order to answer questions from clients intelligently.

The Fast Diet is one of the more scientifically and psychologically sound diet plans I have read. The premise is simple: fasting by eating 500-600 calories 2 days per week is conducive to weight loss, an improved insulin response and reduced risk of age related diseases. If you do not have much weight to lose, fasting for a day at occasionally can still offer the same health benefits.

Intermittent fasting is based on the premise that you can give your body a ‘break’ from the constant work of digesting food and essentially reset your hormonal response. The author of the Fast Diet points out that the eating pattern they suggest mimics that of a naturally thin person. A person’s appetite can vary from day to day, so their caloric intake can vary on a daily basis, and comes to a steady average over time.

I have not tried the 2 days per week of fasting that is suggested in The Fast Diet. However, I do notice I eat less if I’m not hungry, so I am naturally inclined to fast a little, very occasionally. In addition to the rare occasions that I have little appetite, I try to eat very lightly when I take long flights, as it helps me minimize jet lag. Airport food can be so unappealing that I choose to not eat and prefer to wait for a decent meal at my destination.

The Fast Diet is well worth reading if you want to learn more about intermittent fasting and/or try a doable eating program for health benefits and weight loss. If you don’t read the book, you can always try to listen to your body and eat according to your appetite, which most likely will vary. Eating less for just one day is doable for most of us.